How to Rip-Off the Mountain Tool Holster (MTH)

Ha, let’s see how far I get before I lose interest. First, the fundamentals

1. Get the right pack:

The pack makes a lot of difference in how the MTH is attached. Find a pack where the waist belt can be separated from the padding (it should be outside off the pack), and the compression straps are situated that the webbing is closest to your back and the adjustment buckle is away from you.

The Right Pack

The Right Pack

Compression Straps

Compression Straps

2. Make the parts and attach them to the pack:

You need to make the scabbard (see picture), the long adjustable loop, and the short non adjustable loop.



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Long Adjustable Loop

Long Adjustable Loop

Short Non-Adjustable Loop

Short Non-Adjustable Loop

Attachment Points

Attachment Points

Make a Sheath for the Probe Pole, and you are done!

Probe Sheath

Probe Sheath

MTH with Probe

MTH with Probe

MTH with Axe

MTH with Axe