When It Comes Together

High pressure, blue bird powder skiing!

rockies view

rockies view

flat creek alpine

flat creek alpine

loop brook view

loop brook view

lily glacier

lily glacier

south of lily col

south of lily col

cheops south

cheops south



hermit meadow

hermit meadow

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tupper 2

tupper 2

grizzly, little sifton, sifton

grizzly, little sifton, sifton

macdonald, sir donald, avalanche

macdonald, sir donald, avalanche

tupper glacier, hermit mountain

tupper glacier, hermit mountain

I’m going to go back and write a bit about my last ski trip, but now I’m going to talk shit about stuff no one cares about. The interweb is quickly becoming a stinking cesspool and there are a few characters that are making it this way. These are the Scammers, the Hater, the Influencer and the Troll (or SHIT for short). Before the Internet the Influencer had to have some way to influence and in mountain culture this would come in the form of Routes published in guidebooks or articles written by or about you in a few select magazines. Today the bar is significantly lower as all one needs is an internet connection to have an audience of millions.

What is see happening is an Old Guard of Mountain Culture being challenged by a new breed of Influencer that grew up in very different times. These are days or “instant gratification” and “me too” movements and when you add Haters and Trolls to the equation the mood gets tense. You see it in the comments section of Influencer websites where the hard core feel left out as various components of the sport start to eclipse the main event. It happened in climbing when carrying “courage in your rucksack” was challenged and roadside testpieces replaced summits. When mixed climbing in “Vail” was thought to be undermining hard Alpine climbing.

Today the Old Guard or backcountry skiing is being challenged by Private backcountry resorts and airbags. I am entertained by reading ski forums debates and stay away from them, but there in now denying it the world is changing and ski mountaineering will be fractured even more as new Influencers come on board. I miss PerpetualSki by Trevor Sexsmith more every day.

More to come, stand by …